Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Now they say - Drinking too much water is bad for u

Discover why one M.D. says'I HAVEN'T HAD A GLASS OF WATER IN 20 YEARS...'
And why you don't have to gulp it down by the gallon either.
Sure, drinking tons of water is great if you want to raise your stroke risk, bring on kidney failure, and encourage early Alzheimer's.
SURPRISED? But that's just one example of how MASS MEDIA MEDICINE is ruining our health. Next time anyone nags you to sweat, starve or give up your pleasures, turn the tables on them and ask:
IS YOUR CHOLESTEROL HIGH ENOUGH to avoid heart attacks and strokes?
ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH SUN to prevent the world's most dreaded cancers?
ARE YOU EXERCISING SO HARD that it's hardening your arteries?
ARE YOU EATING ENOUGH SALT to prevent high blood pressure?
ARE YOU EATING ENOUGH EGGS & BACON to ward off macular degeneration?
GOT ARTHRITIS? GUESS WHAT! This animal fat reverses the damage in 24 hours!
Learn how right now from medicine's most acclaimed myth-buster, William Campbell Douglass II, MD. Plus, find out why more than 100,000 doctors and health-savvy Individuals have joined his 'take back your life' crusade. If you'd rather enjoy a beer than force down 8 glasses of water... If you can't start the day without caffeine... If you crave a good steak and can't stomach 10 vegetables a day...
GUESS WHAT? YOU'RE RIGHT and they're full of tofu...
See below for the real health facts and don't let the 'experts' ruin one more day! My Dear Pestered Friend:Every day, the health police find some other pleasure to ruin... First they snatch away your beer and scotch... Then they badger you to drink water until you nearly burst... Next, they nag you to give up coffee, eggs, bacon and everything else that makes life worth living...
And then they complain that YOU'RE GRUMPY?!! No, you're being way too patient! But we're going to get the last laugh on those jokers...
Because all the 'facts' they're flinging at you are just MASS MEDIA MEDICINE! Mass Media Medicine is to REAL medicine as McDonald's is to REAL food...
It was never intended to make you healthy... It's intended to make billions of dollars for giant corporations... And the only science behind it is marketing science!
It's all about selling us 'health' goods & services WHETHER OR NOT WE NEED THEM... Scaring us into buying drugs to prevent diseases (like 'high cholesterol') that don't exist... Bullying us into buying high-markup, high-carbohydrate, meatless mush... Hounding us to buy instruments of torture in the name of exercise... And when all this stuff finally does make you sick, they reply that you need even more ...
But it's high time you quit this can't-win game and DISCOVER THE REAL FACTS... And you're going to love what 40 years of clinical studies really tell you to do! As you'll see on the pages ahead, from now on you have DOCTOR'S ORDERS to...
Chow down on juicy T-bones and 3-egg omelets prepared with real butter...
Trade in that water bottle for a case of ice-cold beer...
Drink all the coffee you want, laced with heavy cream if you like...
Take naps instead of running laps...
And tell the cholesterol cops they'll have to terrify someone else...
Skeptical? Now you're talking my language... Never, ever do anything just because someone swears it's healthy!Make them prove it and guarantee it - like I'm going to do right now.Just let me send you 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS and you'll soon see and feel what I mean. You'll learn how to make your body immune to CANCER, JOINT PAIN, HEART ATTACKS and other DEADLY DISEASES...By eating REAL FOOD...

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